Christine left review about PS Contacts

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

We are PS Contacts, formerly called Price Smart Contacts. We pride ourselves in delivering you the best contact lenses at affordable prices with excellent service across North America.

Christine on ReadSomeReviews
06 Jun 2022
Karma: 33
Reviews left: 1

I have been a loyal customer

I have used PSContacts for years and have greatly enjoyed their service. Shipping is fast, prices are low and there is a large variety of products to choose from. I am able to buy my prescription contact lenses two pair for $20 around $35 for six pairs. My favorite brand is Acuvue Oasis. However, in recent months since they partnered with VisionPros, it has all gone downhill. Prices went up just for a pair of lenses I would normally buy. Now I must purchase in large quantities making it more expensive and there is less variety. Before I would have given PSContacts ten stars; now zero if I could.



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