Judy left review about Diet Direct

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 100%
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Purchase high protein diet foods and supplements & learn how to lose weight following high protein diet plans. Experience free shipping & unbeatable customer service on all of our weight loss products.

Judy on ReadSomeReviews
28 Apr 2022
Karma: 34
Reviews left: 1

The food is good

By a few simple modifications, I have successfully reduced the number of dishes I must clean. First, I fry my Medifast fettuccine in the pan, adding freshly chopped broccoli for both color and texture. Second, I use a soup ladle in place of a small spoon to properly portion soups that provide an ample serving of vegetables—this ensures that I eat only one bowl instead of two. Third, when my partner and I cook together, we each bring our own ingredients to the counter; this way, we can add salsa to the chili or chives to the mashed potatoes instead of eating separately. Fourth, by blending Splenda with pancake batter, cinnamon with applesauce, or berries with yogurt or pudding, I trick myself into believing that an otherwise bland dish is more flavorful than it really is. Finally, if I become tired of drinking shakes at home or on-the-go and want something resembling food instead (which has prevented me from going hungry in the past), I prepare chocolate cake batter in advance so that it may be frozen for several minutes and subsequently enjoyed as a shake.



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