Brianna left review about society6

Reviews 5
Positive reviews 20%
Average rating

In 2009—our founders had a friend who got the opportunity to show her artwork at the prestigious Art Basel show in Miami. The problem was she couldn’t afford the show’s required entry costs and therefore wasn’t able to attend. Our founders recognized so many artists shared her struggle—craving a free and welcoming place for people to discover their work. So Society6 was born to provide an open platform for artists to share their art, feed off the creativity and talent of those around them and sell their original designs on an array of different products to customers around the world.. More than ten years later we remain a thriving community of artists, designers and art-enthusiasts, continuing our mission of introducing art into people's everyday life.

Brianna on ReadSomeReviews
18 Jan 2022
Karma: 31
Reviews left: 1

The pillow I received was sewn incorrectly...

The pillow I received was sewn incorrectly, so the inscription is cut off on top of the pillow, which makes it impossible to read the text when the pillow is stuffed. Products are descent when manufactured correctly, but a complete waste of money when not.



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