himakgam left review about KBB

Reviews 7
Positive reviews 29%
Average rating

Since 1926, Kelley Blue Book has been one of the best-known names in the auto industry. Today, KBB.com extends the tradition, with trusted values and a reputation for innovation, including resources to help you research, price and shop for the car you've been looking for.

himakgam on ReadSomeReviews
06 Oct 2020
Karma: 40
Reviews left: 1

Lot's of cars, services might be

Lot's of cars, but services might be better. A few weeks ago I've bought Honda Accord and it is a nice car, but I have spent more money than expected for the vehicle to be delivered, I was never warned about the cost of delivery to Georgetown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iamkARQbwpc



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