Tuomas S. left review about Milanoo

Reviews 2
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Founded in 2008 by Albert Feng, Milanoo.com is a leading online retail store based in Chengdu, China specializing in selling men’s and women’s clothing, wedding and special events items, cosplay costumes and a wide variety of other products. We always strive to provide our customers with high quality products at a competitive price and cater to customer's explicit needs. Our customers may be from all corners of the planet, have different languages, traditions and ways of life but they are united by our website. Thousands of customers connect through social media outlets every day such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest to discuss all things on Milanoo. We are proud to have so many customers associated with us and we always welcome new customers to join us at any time. Advice is always offered by our highly trained (and extremely fashionable!) customer service team. We will give you sincere opinions for questions regarding suitability and differing styles. Not only solve the problem but also enhance your shopping experience.

Tuomas S. on ReadSomeReviews
Tuomas S.
05 Feb 2021
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Lost money!!!

My daughter lost her money earned at summer work. She ordered goods which have not been delivered. They provided a tracking number which had no goods and parcel was never delivered!! SCAMMERS!!! How can you do all this!!?!?!?



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