Kathryn M left review about Allergy Testing Company

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

Our testing facilities have just been upgraded and we have invested in 4 of the latest generation Bio-feedback machines. These machines are manufactured in Germany and are certified as class IIa medical devices.

Kathryn M on ReadSomeReviews
Kathryn M
10 Feb 2021
Karma: 38
Reviews left: 1

Amazed with the results

I used expensive services of local company as my allergist advised. They did a good job, but expensive. So I decided to look someone to check the results and found this company online. Allergytestingcompany did the same job much cheaper and you know what? The results were almost the same and I was quite amazed. Perfect, fast and affordable piece of services! Greetings from Canada.



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