Graham A left review about Screwfix

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Graham A on ReadSomeReviews
Graham A
29 Apr 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

I haven't received order when promised

I placed an order for a ladder on April 27, with delivery by Friday, April 27. When I didn't receive my ladder by the Friday, I called Screwfix. I was told that the supplier was out of stock, and someone would call me back to discuss options.
A week passed without a call from Screwfix, so I called them again. They said the ladder may be in stock on Thursday, and delivery might be by the end of next week. If I hadn't called twice, the person on the other end of the phone wouldn't have known what was going on with my order.
The delay in receiving my ladder over a two-week span is completely unacceptable to me. If I had known that it would take 2 weeks to get my ladder, I never would have placed my order to begin with. Screwfix lost my business over this incident.



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