Austin G left review about Printify

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

Sell custom t-shirts, phone cases, and 600+ products with your designs printed on demand. We will handle printing and shipping to your customers.

Austin G on ReadSomeReviews
Austin G
13 Jun 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Support team deserves A+

I have worked with Printify's support teams several times, and each time I have been impressed. The team is quick to respond to customer requests and clearly works hard to resolve any issues that may arise. I would give the support team 5 stars based on my personal experience – especially compared to other providers. The only downside I've experienced is that Printify discontinued one of my more popular items without notice. A customer ordered this item and I received an email from Printify stating that I could not fulfill it, so I had to issue a refund. It would have been nice if Printify had given me some sort of warning beforehand so I could find another company to help fulfill the order.



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