Ross left review about Collage

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 50%
Average rating

We're a little bit different from most companies — and we're proud of it. co-founders and childhood friends Kevin Borders and Joe Golden were students at the University of Michigan when Kevin ran into a problem: he wanted to create a one-of-a-kind anniversary collage for his girlfriend, Jen, and there wasn't any software up to the task. He teamed up with Joe, and together they developed the software that would become What began as a literal labor of love (Kevin and Jen are now married) grew into something bigger, and Kevin and Joe decided to turn their project into a business. Today, they lead a fast-growing team of about 50 employees dedicated to making custom products easy for everyone.

Ross on ReadSomeReviews
18 Mar 2021
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Slow delivery over the border

I ordered the magnets on a fridge and it was delivered the way too slow to GB. It also looked very poorly made.



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