Darrell left review about CenturyLink

Reviews 1
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Discover CenturyLink residential home internet services. Find high-speed internet, local and long distance home phone services, TV, and special bundle offers.

Darrell on ReadSomeReviews
01 Jul 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Lies only

I spoke with Vanessa, a customer service representative, about the Internet service and was informed that I would receive 60 megabits per second and that the cost would be $60 per month. I was surprised to learn that this plan offered less speed than I had anticipated, so I asked to cancel my service with CenturyLink. My request was denied and I was informed that I would need to pay an early termination fee of $200 before leaving their network. After speaking with my supervisor about this issue, we reached an agreement for me to receive 192 megabits per second for a reduced rate of $60 per month due to my disability status as a veteran. Unfortunately my speed dropped to 30 megabits per second, so I called again and canceled my services .



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