Custodio left review about Dhgate

Reviews 14
Positive reviews 7%
Average rating is the world's leading online wholesale platform for goods made in China, connecting international buyers with Chinese wholesale sellers who offer the same quality products found elsewhere at a fraction of the price. DHgate hosts over 30 million products in a wide range of categories including Apparel & Accessories, Computers & Networking, Consumer Electronics, Toys & Hobbies, Health & Beauty, Bags & Jewelry, Home, Auto, and more. Get low prices on top selling products such as but not limited to wedding dresses, tablet pc, and cell phones. DHgate provides a buyer protection plan, a secure refund policy, express delivery, and shipment tracking, and is committed to providing a fast, easy, and safe buying experience to businesses and consumers worldwide.

Custodio on ReadSomeReviews
12 Mar 2021
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Ripped me off

Two years ago, in February 2019 I attempted to make a $600 purchase on DGHate. At the time I paid with a bank transfer (Portuguese payment method "Multibanco"). The transaction was canceled by DHGate. I repeatedly contacted DHGate to have my money returned. I finally gave up after a few months and back and forth emails and messages. The money however remained in my DHGate wallet. After two years, I decided to return to my DHgate account to spend the $600 plus in my "DHGate account". To my surprise, the money is no longer in my DHGate account. This company is a scam. Does it rip everyone off? Probably not, but the odds of losing your money are better than 1 in 2. Just check the positive reviews, less than 2% over the last 12 months!



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