CHI CHI left review about Rover

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

Whether you need in-home dog boarding, pet sitting, dog walking, or day care, Rover connects pet parents with dog people who’ll treat their pets like family. Rover sitters are your rainy-day-dog-walkers. Your every-day-belly-rubbers. Your tug-of-war players. Your middle-of-the-night-pee-breakers. Because we get it—your dog is family. And when you can’t be there, you can trust us to keep your dog happy, healthy, and sweet as ever. But it’s not just about dog love. Rover is also an award-winning technology business committed to making pet care safe, easy, and affordable so that everyone can experience the unconditional love of a dog. So for the frequent butt-sniffers, the sock-stealers, the table-side beggars and the clicker-trained champions: We’re your people. And for the world travelers, the long-day-at-work-ers, the business-trip jetsetters, the swing-shift survivors: We’re your people, too. Whatever you and your dog are into, we’re into it, too. And we’ve got your back. Anytime. Anywhere.

CHI CHI on ReadSomeReviews
08 Feb 2021
Karma: 40
Reviews left: 1


Duke LOVED his stay with Jeff and Karen. They are caring people who took care of him like he was therir own, wonderful and kind. I can't recommend them highly enough. They sent me pictures and took super care of him!



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