V Cottn left review about Oriental Trading

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
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One-stop-fun-shop for everything from party supplies & holidays to crafts & toys. Plus, we carry a variety of home decor, faith finds, education products & wedding supplies. With our 110% Lowest Price Guarantee, nobody delivers more fun for less.

V Cottn on ReadSomeReviews
V Cottn
19 Aug 2022
Karma: 34
Reviews left: 1

“Treasure Chest”

Although the “Treasure Chest” item does not include all of the items pictured, it contains a variety of random toys and novelties. Some items I received that I did not like were small rubber balls, pencils, miniature pencil top erasers, and flimsy bookmarks. However, some of the items were things I did like: star erasers, stress balls, star-shaped notepads, and paratrooper dolls. Furthermore, buyers should check the materials used to make each item before purchasing it.



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