Jasn left review about Grubhub

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

Grubhub helps you find and order food from wherever you are. How it works: you type in an address, we tell you the restaurants that deliver to that locale as well as showing you droves of pickup restaurants near you. Want to be more specific? Search by cuisine, restaurant name or menu item. We'll filter your results accordingly. When you find what you're looking for, you can place your order online or by phone, free of charge. Oh, and we also give you access to reviews, coupons, special deals and a 24/7 customer care team that tracks each order and makes sure you get exactly what you want.

Jasn on ReadSomeReviews
29 Jan 2021
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Ridiculously unreliable and overpri

Ridiculously unreliable and overpriced. I ordered two times during the last 24 hours and both times they failed the intime delivery, customer support was not reliable and responsive, the food was average and cold. Never order again from you!!!



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