Krugel left review about Hellowisp

Reviews 3
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

Get hassle-free reproductive care for Herpes, BV, Yeast, UTI, Primary Care & Contraception. Same-day prescriptions picked up locally in a few hours or delivered FREE, discreetly packaged, to your home.

Krugel on ReadSomeReviews
21 Jul 2022
Karma: 38
Reviews left: 1

Good but problems with original package

The company provided an estimated shipping time, which it was able to meet. Upon receiving my package, I was delighted with its presentation: it came in a discreet box with a pretty bow on top. I have not yet tried the product, but it seems as if it will be of good quality. My only caution would be that the box is very cute. If you are trying to buy this discreetly, be prepared for the bright packaging including the Wisp logo.



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