Renee Martin left review about KBB

Reviews 7
Positive reviews 29%
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Since 1926, Kelley Blue Book has been one of the best-known names in the auto industry. Today, extends the tradition, with trusted values and a reputation for innovation, including resources to help you research, price and shop for the car you've been looking for.

Renee Martin on ReadSomeReviews
Renee Martin
22 Jun 2020
Karma: 43
Reviews left: 1

Wasted 6 hours of my day

KBB gave me an instant cash off (obviously contingent upon inspection). I notated EVERY DETAIL down. Drove a 4 hour round trip to be told $1000 less than kelley blue book value because of lies. When I went to my email Once I got home, the inspector BOLD face lied about what he saw, and I guess hoped I wouldn’t see his lies? Lied about stains and scratches and VASTLY over rated the ONE scratch that is actually there. Not even a scratch, it Two places smaller than peas right next to each other from another car backing into me. That is a SCUFF in all honesty. No metal is shown. He put major damage to that area. The other parts of the review were completely made up. There’s a big difference in needs a shampoo and stains. There was ONE spot on my seat that was also smaller than a pea. Not a stain. It came out. And the fabric on the handle was slightly dingy from hands touching it. Not stained. I asked before I came if these ppl were intelligent enough to know the difference or if I needed to wash and shampoo the car. Clearly when I was told they were, they lied. Again. I called before I came and they told me (Jonathan at ford of dalton in Georgia) that they give OVER kelley blue book Offers. Anyways, the reason for the review is the fact that when using this system there is nothing holding anyone accountable for the deal that had been made or lies that had been told. For wasting my time. My husbands ONE off day. $30 in gas. Nothing. This site can say whatever to get you in a dealership because the dealers pay kelley blue book a fee. The dealership told me this. The goal is to get you in there and hopefully you trade and they win or they lie to you and you’re stupid and they win. This site offers zero protection and is NOT in our best interest. This is solely for KBB to make money off the fee, not be held liable, knowing the car places will stick it to you. And solely for the dealerships because they get the traffic from the unenforceable offers from KBB sends them. I won’t use this site EVER again and I encourage you all to assume and plan for shady lying thriving car salesmen. I’ll use NADA or black book from now on.



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