Viktoria left review about Sonobello

Reviews 3
Positive reviews 0%
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In just over a decade, Sono Bello® has grown into an industry leader with 60+ locations spanning across the United States. Our growth is made possible by an amazing team of board-certified plastic surgeons that are now over 125 strong, as well as our entire team of dedicated Sono Bello® employees. With our eyes to the future, we look forward to opening even more locations in the coming years. We also look forward to further advances in the tools and techniques of our craft, so we can always provide our customers with the most advanced micro laser liposuction procedures and the most amazing results available.

Viktoria on ReadSomeReviews
01 Feb 2021
Karma: 37
Reviews left: 1

My sono bello complaints

This was the first time I ever used any diet and nutrition programms and I am extremely dissatisfied with sonobello. Well, what they do is acutally give you some ordinary recommendations on how to eat and make sport, no matter what is your health condition and how strong is your body. Seems like they can't handle the volume of work they have. There is no personal approach at all. Think before using it. You may read the same information they give in google.



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