Michael G M. left review about DealDash

CategoriesShopping & FashionAuctionsDealDashDealDash reviewed by Michael G M.
Reviews 11
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

DealDash prides itself on being the longest running and most trusted provider in its category. DealDash is committed to provide the best service experience to our customers. Being in touch with customers and listening to their concerns is extremely valuable to us. If it wasn’t for the feedback we have received from our customers throughout all these years, we wouldn’t be the company we are now. Ideas such as free shipping and no jumper auctions actually came from our customers.

Michael G M. on ReadSomeReviews
Michael G M.
06 Feb 2020
Karma: 42
Reviews left: 1

My first win on DealDash!

Guess what? This was my first time using the auction, I registered just with email and tried to bid MacBook - somehow I won, lol. Just for 68 bucks! The website is fantastic! I will never win if you never try.



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