Rodrigo left review about Carvana

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 50%
Average rating

Why is Carvana considered the new way to buy a car? We can talk all day about our 7-day return policy, the free, as-soon-as next-day delivery to individuals living within 100 miles of our markets, and the time you’ll save by skipping the dealership entirely and buying a car online with Carvana. But wouldn’t it mean more to hear from real-life customers who have experienced first-hand what it’s like to purchase a vehicle from us? We think so too, which is why we’ve compiled a vast array of reviews to help bring transparency to our unique car buying process.

Rodrigo on ReadSomeReviews
16 Feb 2022
Karma: 36
Reviews left: 1

A terrible experience

Do yourself a favor and don't buy from Carvana!
I bought a 2017 Audi A4 from Carvana. Carfax said there were no reports of damage. It took 6 months after the purchase, and the paint on the rear bumper began to peel off, and at a local auto repair shop they told me that it was because it was repainted and repainted badly. When I contacted the Carvana, one of the employees waved me off and said there was nothing they could do. I will never buy from them again!



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