Deborah left review about Luvme Hair

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

Luvmehair Provide Affordable 100% Human Hair Wigs, Undetectable Lace Wigs, Frontal Lace Wigs, Headband Wigs, Bob Wigs, U Part Wigs, Hair Bundles. Free Shipping.

Deborah on ReadSomeReviews
19 May 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Awesome service

This unit was easy to install and the hair was ready to wear. The hair remained soft throughout a busy day and did not look dry. The curls were absolutely gorgeous. I added a little leave-in conditioner and water in a spray bottle to wet the hair and go. I am a school teacher, pastor's wife, mother, and minister so my life is too busy to spend lots of time doing my hair, so this wig is perfect for the "Boss Babe" who just needs something fabulous to throw on and go. Plus, I have been battling lupus ever since I was 19 and always felt embarrassed by my thinning hair and permanent bald spots. But when I discovered Luvme Hair a few years ago, I started gaining my self-confidence back and now feel like a Queen again!



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