Kitty left review about AlloveHair

Reviews 3
Positive reviews 67%
Average rating

Allove Hair Mall provides 100% virgin human hair weave bundles, remy human hair extensions, virgin human hair wigs, Brazilian hair bundles, 4*4 lace closure & 13*4 lace frontal. Discount code : allove3. No tangle and shedding free, no bad smell, easy to care, can be colored well. Fast free overnight shipping.

Kitty on ReadSomeReviews
29 Jun 2022
Karma: 33
Reviews left: 1

Not good mall

I have purchased from you several times in the past. I currently purchase your water wave or some type of curly hair every week, sometimes two weeks. The quality is okay and the hair usually lasts about a week or two if I want to keep it in a certain style longer than that, I would not purchase your hair. Just a cheap alternative to my usual. I decided to try a wig, but the purchasing process goes through PayPal. My account was hacked so there is no way for me to make payments on your site. My previous payments were sent through PayPal, but my new assistant contacted them and they said that the only way to pay is through PayPal or they take your credit card information over the phone which I opted not to do because of hacker issues. If you want use hair for only a week or two this is a great place to get hair from.



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