Robb left review about Remitly

Reviews 2
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Save money by transferring money online from Germany with Remitly. We're fast, safe and secure with hundreds of thousands of 5* customer ratings. Sign up now to see our great exchange rates and low fees.

Robb on ReadSomeReviews
12 May 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Lost a lot of time

I tried using Remitly twice to send small amounts of money to my friend in the Philippines, but I spent a huge amount of time on hold and talking to their representatives to transfer the funds. Then I used them again when I needed to send money while traveling. I didn’t get any errors, so I thought everything was fine. When I tried to send myself money three months later, they temporarily stopped my account without telling me why. When I asked their chat support what had happened, they sent me an email saying they’d labeled some of my account activity as suspicious activity and that my account was permanently banned from their service. They wouldn’t tell me what that meant or which transaction had triggered it. Since Moneygram works everywhere, I’ll use them next time instead of Remitly. Their services are even cheaper for sending money outside the country!



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