Zen AI left review about DuckDuckGo

Reviews 4
Positive reviews 25%
Average rating

The Internet privacy company that empowers you to seamlessly take control of your personal information online, without any tradeoffs.

Zen AI on ReadSomeReviews
Zen AI
15 Jul 2022
Karma: 36
Reviews left: 1

DuckDuckGo's privacy policy is a lie

Some websites are blacklisted from the search results on DuckDuckGo, but Google can still find them. Also, DuckDuckGo's privacy policy is a lie because they just use block trackers with white lists and black lists like on your adblock, and they're not perfect. Google does provide better services though with the cost of your data, but you can simply use tracker blocker to minimize it. However, Google is reluctant when you search NSFW stuff on mobile.



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