Junaid A left review about Boohooman

Reviews 3
Positive reviews 33%
Average rating

Explore boohooMAN's menswear collection and shop the latest trends from $5. Choose from 1000s styles including tracksuits, hoodies and jeans! Free returns.

Junaid A on ReadSomeReviews
Junaid A
28 Jun 2022
Karma: 32
Reviews left: 1

Great experience!

The company offers fast delivery and first class customer service. I used the promo code available on their website and got my items delivered the next day for 99p. I returned some items that I didn't like and was refunded within a couple of days, although there were some items missing off my refund. However, I contacted their customer service team using their online chat feature and this was resolved instantly! Overall, it was a very positive experience and I would definitely shop with them again.



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