Teddy D left review about MorningSave

Reviews 7
Positive reviews 86%
Average rating

New deals every morning on brands you’ll love. These are the deals you’ve seen featured on shows like Steve with Steve Harvey, Wendy Williams’s show Wendy, Extra, and The Talk. Rise and save!

Teddy D on ReadSomeReviews
Teddy D
19 Nov 2021
Karma: 37
Reviews left: 1

This is the most amazing company!

This is the most amazing company. I ordered a weighted blanket from them on Sunday at an incredible price. Wednesday morning it was on my door step! I did have a small issue, which was handled with amazing speed so sweetly by customer service! I will definitely do business with this company again. I had never heard of them before, but I am so thankful that I stumbled on them. Thank you MorningSave!



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