Debbie left review about Level

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
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I've tried LeVel Thrive and premium patches and it had no benefit at all. I felt less hungry for the first week with thrive but then back to normal. The patches fall off. I can promise you, if you cut down the amount you eat, less carbs, lower calorie diet, drink more water and get some exercise you will loose weight and tone up for free. Watch out for auto-ship, disgraceful!

Debbie on ReadSomeReviews
23 Jan 2021
Karma: 36
Reviews left: 1

No effect on their programms(((((

I've tried LeVel Thrive and premium patches and it had no effect at all.
I felt less hungry for the first week. The patches fall off. I understood one thing that if you cut down the amount you eat, less carbs, lower calorie diet and drink more water, get some exercise - you will loose weight. For free.
They make business on your laziness.



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