Jill left review about Dofasting

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 100%
Average rating

DoFasting is the new, easier 3-in-1 solution for weight loss. Choose a fasting method that fits best into your lifestyle, learn to prepare healthy meals, and implement simple workouts into your daily routine. Instead of strict dieting, we offer healthy foods that actually taste amazing. Instead of exhausting fitness routines, we’re giving you workouts that you can complete every day. We believe in sustainable results and tools that help you achieve them without sacrificing your lifestyle.

Jill on ReadSomeReviews
20 May 2022
Karma: 34
Reviews left: 1

Galaxy Smartwatch

The one drawback to this app is that it is not compatible with the Galaxy Smartwatch, which means that the step tracker is off and you must purchase a separate app in order to get accurate readings.



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