LiviaMO left review about Freshly

Reviews 10
Positive reviews 80%
Average rating

We’re a weekly subscription meal service that delivers fresh (not frozen) prepared meals, developed by our team of chefs and nutritionists. They’re fully cooked so all you have to do is heat ‘em up—each meal is ready to eat in only 3 minutes. So no more worrying about what’s for dinner (or lunch!). No shopping, no chopping, no cleanup. But also no artificial ingredients, preservatives or added sugars. We started Freshly because we believe eating fresh, nutritious dishes every day should be easy for everyone. So we do all the hard work for you—sourcing high-quality ingredients, making sure each meal you eat is nutrient dense and packed with the good stuff, and expertly cooking your food to order so it tastes fresh and delicious.

LiviaMO on ReadSomeReviews
09 Nov 2020
Karma: 39
Reviews left: 1

this is my favorite one

this store is my favorite - there are always well cooked and fresh meals at my daily ration starts with freshly delivery



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