Thereza left review about fareboom

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
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Let’s cut to the chase – you may have never heard of us and don’t know if it’s safe to book with us. So, who the heck is Fareboom and how come you don’t know them?

Thereza on ReadSomeReviews
08 Mar 2021
Karma: 37
Reviews left: 1

It made my vacation a nightmare

I have ordered a trip in advance and they just informed me that it was a change due to some problems with the airlines and my vacation must be postponed. How come? Do you understand that it is often not possible cause I have to take an extra time and quite my job for extra days? But the main reason is that they still continue to sell tickets and things with the exact my dates. How would you call that? Never use them again. They are irresponsible!



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