Haroon left review about FlashRewards

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
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Haroon on ReadSomeReviews
27 Jun 2022
Karma: 34
Reviews left: 1

I found the levels challenging

I found the levels challenging, but I was determined to reach the end of the campaign. I completed four levels and was looking forward to collecting my £250 voucher from SHEIN. However, when I tried to use my voucher at checkout, they wouldn't accept my ID in the verification step even though it is an up-to date legal document. I am using my passport for identity proof and a clear selfie but regardless of the multiple times I've tried it does not work. Everytime I reach out for help, even though I am following everything they have asked me to do, they just reply by telling me to try again - not helpful at all! Not fair after I’ve spent money and time to complete these deals and not getting what was promised in return. It's a shame as their customer service during the process of completing deals was really good, infact amazing!



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