Mike left review about Sendico

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

Sendico is the best way to buy from Japan. Shop from Yahoo Auctions, Rakuten, Amazon, Mercari JP, and other Japanese online stores. Buy Shimano, Daiwa, anime figure and electronic item directly from Japan.

Mike on ReadSomeReviews
03 May 2022
Karma: 36
Reviews left: 1

Poor customer service and inflated shipping costs

Poor customer service and inflated shipping costs. I ordered three items that could all fit in one box, but they attempted to ship each item separately, which would have cost more than $1,000 Canadian dollars. It took the Japanese tourism office calling them to get a response, but they finally shipped in one box, but they left out an item. This was a complete waste of money; use another company and avoid at all costs.



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