Top-5 business in Entertainment

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Sehen Sie TV Stream Kostenlos Ohne Anmeldung. Mit nur einem Mausklick können Sie Hunderte von Sport-TV-Sendern, Spielshows, Nachrichten, Filmen, Musik ... erkunden.

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Descargar tonos de llamada gratis para celular. Tonos de llamada de iPhone, Tonos para Whatsapp...Todos los tonos de llamadason gratuitos, de alta calidad, rápidos y fáciles de descargar

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Top 100 der Bestseller-Bücher in Deutschland laut Der Spiegel. Sie können ihre Titel, Autoren und Preise ganz einfach überprüfen.

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Regarder la TV en direct gratuitement et sans inscription. En un seul clic, vous pouvez explorer des centaines de chaînes de télévision sportives, de jeux télévisés, d'actualités, de films et de musique.

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Kostenlose Hörbuch-Sammlung von mehr als 200.000 heutzutage beliebtesten Titeln von vielen weltberühmten Autoren. Kostenlose Hörbücher online hören oder herunterladen mit nur einem Klick.

Entertainment reviews

Ghosted Payouts: Navigating the Unresponsive Abyss of Playerup
They have become so proficient in their deception that they actually believe they aren't simply a group of swindlers! I have had a payment pending since April 2022, and after a plethora of communications and messages, I have officially given up on the $450 owed to me. They do not respond to messages, tickets, emails or anything, and are quite adept at swiftly cancelling year-long pending payment orders as soon as you leave a negative review of them. They instruct you to remove your review in exchange for payment, but trust me when I say that payment will never come. I have removed my reviews three times since last year, each time with a promise of payment, but have yet to receive anything. Please refrain from supporting such dishonest individuals who exhibit zero customer care or ethical behavior.

On May 29th, 2023, they responded stating that the issue was partially resolved and they were actively working towards fixing it. However, as of today, September 15th, 2023, I have yet to receive any response or payment. I have consistently encountered problems when attempting to cash out, with the process often taking several months, which is highly unacceptable. Despite their claims of resolving the issue and fulfilling their payment obligations, I have not received any money even after a period of 18 months. This situation is far beyond being due; it appears to be nothing short of a scam."

Update #2:
On November 1st, I reached out to them once more via Telegram regarding the status of my payment. In response, they requested that I remove my reviews before they would proceed with the payment. Without hesitation, I deleted my reviews on the same date. However, it has now been 16 days, and I am still awaiting their response. Unfortunately, my messages continue to go unanswered, leaving me in a state of complete disregard.

Update #3:
The Banned my account and Avoided all Messages!
da Passerby on ReadSomeReviews
da Passerby
14 Sep 2024