Kam Yee left review about ValoreBooks

CategoriesEntertainment Book ShopsValoreBooksValoreBooks reviewed by Kam Yee
Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

At ValoreBooks, we understand how expensive college can be. That's why we give students the option to buy or rent cheap textbooks from over 18,000 verified sellers and rental providers who compete to provide the absolute lowest prices. The average student saves about $500 per year when buying or renting all of their required books from our marketplace. ValoreBooks also lets you sell text books directly to us at the highest buy back prices online. ValoreBooks is and always will be dedicated to making your college experience better.

Kam Yee on ReadSomeReviews
Kam Yee
09 Mar 2021
Karma: 38
Reviews left: 1

Misleading advertising

Valorebooks was top option/vendor on Gettextbooks.com for value at $88. I was trying to find a text that should include digital access, which was included in the description, but when I got to the page to purchase on Valorebooks the price was more than double what was advertised and it had a disclaimer that stated regardless of what the description states it does not include the CDs/online Access or sup materials! WHAT for $175 and advertised for $88 + ship???



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