Dumb left review about Doublelist

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 0%
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We Started in 2018 - and we are is the #1 respectful, non-judgmental and sexually-free, totally FUN community online - or anywhere! We currently have 3 Million users in the USA and growing rapidly.

Dumb on ReadSomeReviews
15 Jul 2022
Karma: 36
Reviews left: 1

So Craigslist shut down and the Double List

So Craigslist shut down and the Double List was created to take its place. The only thing I've seen throughout my experience here are the same fake general posts from Craigslist. Craigslist personals took many years to build a legitimate base of people. This one suddenly boomed over night. Anyway, I've posted plenty ads on here and once you get your one fake reply, that's usually it. If you repost it, you get the same person replying with minor changes to their email etc. I've also replied to a ton of ads, and never get a reply, I think they just snatch your email so when you post they can send a fake reply. The blocking and spam alerts also don't work. Probably shouldn't waste your time and energy here - better results on Craigslist itself.



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