Kevin left review about Global Penfriends

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

Global Penfriends is a safe and secure place to meet international friends and penpals from all over the world. Our members correspond by internet or snail mail and are interested in friendship, cultural exchange, language learning, postcard and letter exchange etc

Kevin on ReadSomeReviews
16 Feb 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1


Beware! This site is run by people who deactivate your account for no reason and then ask you to take a selfie to reactivate it, and still won't activate it even after you send them. The site is also too limited, allowing you to send only 2 messages a day without paying, unconvincing. Most users of the site ignore you or block messages because of age, gender, location, etc. There are much better free sites for international communication.



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