Judith S. left review about Jacquie Lawson Cards

CategoriesArt and DesignGreeting CardsJacquie Lawson CardsJacquie Lawson Cards reviewed by Judith S.
Reviews 4
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

Charming animated greeting cards for birthdays and special occasions, featuring English landscapes, playful animals, and much more.

Judith S. on ReadSomeReviews
Judith S.
03 Aug 2022
Karma: 35
Reviews left: 1

Unable to get a refund

I joined this early hours of the morning to find it was impossible to provide my son's email address. I was unable to make contact with the site and was unable to get a refund. It is grossly unfair that an online service does not provide information on how to contact a physical location, or provide a means for customers to receive assistance when there is a problem with their purchase.



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