ALISA left review about XNSPY

Reviews 2
Positive reviews 100%
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Got parental- or employee-surveillance-related epiphanies? Get our all-in-one parental and employee monitoring software at 40% off that will keep you updated on their activities in real-time, all the time!

ALISA on ReadSomeReviews
10 Feb 2021
Karma: 39
Reviews left: 1

Big thanks from a worried parent

I watched 13 Reasons Why on Netflix and... got Xnspy on my daughter's phone. We, parents know so little about our kids' high school life. Mean kids could get other kids in trouble. I really thought it was a good idea to start monitoring my daughter's phone as high schools are all different. I am at ease that my daughter isn't going through bullying at school - I can see that now.



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