Sarah G left review about Fever

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Sarah G on ReadSomeReviews
Sarah G
30 May 2022
Karma: 34
Reviews left: 1


The Van Gogh Museum's cutting-edge exhibition is a stunning walk through the great artist's life. Simple to read and with great use of light art work, this immersive experience would appeal to everyone. And with music and 360 video in the larger room, which for me was really emotive and moving, this exhibition was beautifully done. Our three generations sat on a bench and took it all in... The exhibition appealed to my teen son who loves Japan (influences), my 81 year old mother - recently widowed- who was focusing on impressionism era in art A level and myself who was focusing on impressionism era in art A level. It was money very well spent, highly recommend for anyone to go and visit. Thank you to the team who put it all together and for Fever for great customer service support!



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