Keysha left review about PatPat

Reviews 48
Positive reviews 100%
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PatPat was founded in 2014 by close friends Albert Wang (CEO) and Ken Gao (COO) in Mountain View, CA. Albert & Ken both earned their Master’s degrees at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, PA. They also worked together as Principal Engineers at Oracle shortly thereafter. When Ken was expecting his first child, he discovered the children's clothing industry was severely lacking in fashionable, functionable options. Together with his friend, they created a shopping platform for moms to find great deals for themselves and their families, without spending a lot of time and money.

Keysha on ReadSomeReviews
01 Mar 2021
Karma: 34
Reviews left: 1

Super quality, prices could be chea

Super quality and delivery and customer service but prices could have been cheaper :)



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