Tony left review about Tinder

Reviews 1
Positive reviews 0%
Average rating

If you are looking for love, want to start dating, or just keep it casual - you need to be on Tinder.

Tony on ReadSomeReviews
21 Jan 2021
Karma: 37
Reviews left: 1

Tinder is a racket!

Waste of money, as Tinder obviously run this platform as cheap as possible. Filtering works bad. I set mine to 20km and it constantly shows me people well over 50 away. Age filters you set do not always work. A lot of illegal prostitution. Fake profiles all over the place. Tinder Support is shockin and bad. Its way over priced for what it doesn't offer. I will use a different dating app. They will never get anything again from me. I hope, my profile was deleted forever and ever. Its a RACKET



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