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03 May 2022
Car Rent
In Sixt's Faro branch, I waited in line for 10 minutes while the Sixt employee attended to paying customers. After it was my turn, I paid with a credit card that I had used for the prepayment. Unfortunately, I later discovered the payment didn't go through on this card because it was old and insufficient funds were available. The employee insisted that I make an additional deposit of 250 Euros on another card, even though I had shown up with my other card—the one I use regularly. He was very rude and unwelcoming, so the branch supervisor stepped in to help me sort out the problem. The money was refunded to my original credit card and the rental deposit was paid via the second card.
When I arrived at the Faro branch and waited for my turn, I noted that some options were given to the customers ahead of me. For example, one customer was told she could return her car with less fuel for a lower price than the current fuel station prices. The representative, however, did not offer me any other options or explanations. The treatment I received was completely appalling, and the representative ended our conversation in a disrespectful and insulting manner: he dropped my credit card on the counter, drove away without giving me time to put the card back in my wallet, and asked me to move so he could attend to the customers behind me. I was so horrified by this kind of treatment that
When I told him that I needed a moment to sort my documents before going away from the counter, he said he had waiting customers. This was clearly personal because when I was standing in line, other customers waiting for service didn't receive the same kind of rude treatment I did. When I asked for his name so that I could file a complaint upon my return to the UK, he refused. As this is completely disgusting and beyond offensive, I'm leaving and filing a complaint with your head office.
I am upset that the representative I spoke to on the phone ignored the information I gave him and hung up on me. After being assigned another representative, I asked for a discount because of my experience, and the branch supervisor stepped in to investigate my complaint. The supervisor apologized for what had happened, and I asked her to let Sixt's headquarters know about this situation.
03 May 2022
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