Mike A's reviews

Mike A on ReadSomeReviews
Mike A
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Reviewer since
17 Mar 2021
GameTime is not good
I have used GameTime in the past but I will never use them again. I will tell anyone that will listen/read to spend their money elsewhere. I purchased spring training tickets for 2 different games on two different days for a total of $500ish. Unfortunately, I had a death in my family and I had to cancel the trip. I fully understand this is not GameTime’s problem. However, it took GameTime a full 12 days to send me e-tickets...12 days, people! Since I got the tickets less than 24 hours before the 1st game I had to rush to sell them in order to hedge my losses. I sold the tickets for the 1st game but took a healthy loss. Also, I received my e-tickets for the second game 13 days after ordering them and once again, less than 24 hours before the game. I listed the tickets (on a different site, one that provides tickets real-time) but there’s no guarantee I’ll sell them. I’ll take a loss matter what. I called several times to have the tickets expedited, but that was too lofty of a goal for these jack-wagons. GameTime charges a healthy “convenience” fee, cool. In hindsight, that’s laughable at best considering it took the Apollo 11 space crew less time to fly to the moon, hang out for a few days, and fly back before my e-tickets arrived.

In all seriousness, GameTime does NOT disclose you might receive your tickets the day of your event at the point of sale, which has the potential to completely screw you when life happens. @GameTime - you guys suck. Thanks for taking way too long to send e-tickets. Never again. If I can keep one person (but I’m hoping for more) from using your platform then I’ll consider this post a win. Thanks for nothing, dingleberries.
Mike A on ReadSomeReviews
Mike A
17 Mar 2021