Business' Guide

8 Ways to Improve Business Online Reviews

BlogBusiness' Guide8 Ways to Improve Business Online Reviews

Table of contents:

  • Reviews are essential sales tools
  • Promote your reviews to the top of your page
  • Offer courteous and efficient service
  • Utilize the same Internet sites as your customers do
  • Keep in touch with your customers
  • Reward clients who give you glowing reviews
  • Respond to bad reviews with grace and tact
  • Provide customers with a reason to review your business
  • Regularly check your presence on the web
  • Summary


Reviews are essential sales tools

Product reviews and testimonials are essential sales tools. Consumers consult product reviews before making an online purchase, and nearly 60% say that reading product ratings and reviews makes them likely to buy from a given site. A social-proof element such as user reviews can reassure hesitant shoppers and provide additional information about products. It can reduce return rates by ensuring that buyers are satisfied with their purchases.

ReadSomeReviews team will show you how to make your online reviews reflect positively on your company and manage your reputation online.

Improve online reviews to grow your brand
Improving online reviews is a key to brand growth


1. Promote your reviews to the top of your page

When someone visits your homepage, consider displaying reviews right there. It will encourage visitors to read some of them before they continue browsing. Display reviews for individual products on the product pages themselves and make an entirely new page for testimonials that visitors can access from your site’s main navigation menu. A review section is an easy way to provide social proof and build credibility.


2. Offer courteous and efficient service

Consumers today seek an excellent customer experience. Companies that provide excellent customer support have higher reviews on average. To provide an exceptional experience, you should focus on providing a wide range of services and responding quickly to customers’ needs. If you proactively check-in with customers after they have received their product or service, they feel more appreciated and are more likely to leave positive reviews. If they have received a poor experience, they are more likely to leave a negative review that could affect your business.


3. Utilize the same Internet sites as your customers do

Honest feedback is crucial to running a successful business, so make your store’s social media accounts available. Make your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts and store easily accessible to customers so they can contact you with comments, questions, or concerns.


4. Keep in touch with your customers

To ensure that you receive reviews for your products, consider sending an email to customers after they purchase. Tell them about your app partner, which automates this process by making it easy for you and for your customers to respond promptly with their feedback. You should be conscious of two things when submitting this communication: the timing of your inquiry and the ease of response for your customers.


5. Reward clients who give you glowing reviews

If you see glowing reviews on review platforms or socials, say thanks! The company is excellent about following up and engaging with customers who leave positive feedback, so please ask permission to use their shout-outs on your website or social channels.


6. Respond to bad reviews with grace and tact

It is crucial to respond to customers who post reviews and ratings of your products. Not responding tells customers that you don’t care about their opinions and are not willing to listen to the feedback they give you. When you respond to a customer complaint or issue, do so with an eye toward correcting the problem. Offer to take the conversation offline to understand their concern better. It tells your current and potential customers that you care about them and want their experience with your company to be positive. Customer reviews are a big part of online marketing and reputation management. Responding to them demonstrates to customers that you care about their opinions, no matter where they are published.


7. Provide customers with a reason to review your business

We recommend learning their names and sending them occasional handwritten notes to deepen customer relationships. You may be praised for the innovative packaging, which incorporates personalized messages and drawings. Long story short: try to be creative.


8. Regularly check your presence on the web

To stay on top of how your business is perceived online, check out customer reviews of your products or services regularly across many different review platforms. There are hundreds of review sites, and your company could be on any of them. Various reputation management software allows you to monitor your ratings on various online sources and track your trends in sentiment or topic over time to pinpoint areas where you can do damage control before a lousy reputation spreads.



After you have claimed your business on Google My Business, Yelp, and Facebook, make sure you’re generating reviews for the sites. Once you understand how to increase reviews on the Big Three, start to find vertical-specific review sites that you can claim. And one of them is us – ReadSomeReviews.

It’s essential to make a habit of responding to online reviews. Conduct thorough research of online review management platforms and choose the most efficient one for your business. Use online business reviews to establish your business as professional and trustworthy because you are one.

2 years ago, 22 Apr 2022 17:09

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