Matthew Berry left review about Lipstick Alley

CategoriesMediaForumsLipstick AlleyLipstick Alley reviewed by Matthew Berry
Reviews 40
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Lipstick Alley Forums

Matthew Berry on ReadSomeReviews
Matthew Berry
31 Oct 2022 Updated on 11 Nov 2022
Karma: 59
Reviews left: 1

Vile Racist and black power foolishness. (A black American male's perspective)

The fronts on there are like children who need attention and feel any attention is better than none, so they seek negative attention. The place is full of emotionally immature people with deep family problems that only a licensed therapist can deal with. The website is a wired narcissistic place full of people with untreated mental disorders, so be warned.

I lost count of the number of times Nigerians would fight other Nigerians and engage in tribal fights in the African section; no wonder their homeland is a sh!thole. I don't think I have meet a Nigerian who was a nice person in real life so I am inclined to believe the hate, racism and xenophobia they spew at each other and other Africans is real and not a result of as many of them claim "digital blackface". Therefore there are a number of users that have turned the African section into a Nigerian forum. The hate for black men is universally accepted by both African/ Caribbean and black American women. There is no decorum given to black men at all. From this I have concluded there is a lot of prejudice and discrimination on this website against other ethnic groups.

I advise anyone who is a decent human being with good values to stay away from this vile website. The black/African women have no self-awareness and are deeply unconscious of their own behavior. If you want a window into the minds of these maladjusted people take a peek. But I would advise you stay away from this evil place.



This reviewer is Somali stalker and failed doxxer "Andrewrobel" on LSA and Eric Stevens on Twitter. I confronted him on Twitter and his punk ass immediately protected his tweets then unprotected them, so he could presumably stalk and doxx me from info sourced from my Twitter account. He was determined to know the "identities" of me and another font on LSA. Yet when we both responded the coward said nothing. He has disturbing fixation on various Black ethnic groups, hopefully one day he'll get the psychiatric help he needs.

This reviewer is Somali stalker and failed doxxer "Andrewrobel"/Eric Stevens on Twitter and was Eric Stevens here too on He posted the same exact review under the name "Eric Stevens" on here. He has a strong fixation on Nigerian people for unknown reasons. I confronted him on Twitter and he immediately protected his tweets then unprotected them, so he could presumably stalk and doxx me from info sourced from my Twitter account. He was determined to know the "identities" of me and another font on LSA. Yet when we both responded the coward said nothing. He has disturbing fixation on various Black ethnic groups, hopefully one day he'll get the psychiatric help he needs. I'm so glad that I left that site fully crazy and obsessive people. I've had my fun and I'm satisfied with the work I did on LSA.

Pete on ReadSomeReviews
Pete 2 years ago

Matthew I feel the same way. Love your review because someone has to expose these hateful c*nts

Matthew Berry on ReadSomeReviews
Matthew Berry 2 years ago

The User named Bestfwends is in fact a Yoruba Nigerian who is obsessed with Somalis for some reason. She is a known troll from LSA with the user name Bestfwends and acts the victim when people cuss her out. She is a weak minded hateful Nigerian. There is another front named "Judging me" who is another Yoruba Nigerian degenerate low life. They both live in the U.K because Nigeria is a cesspool. I would not take what they have to say seriously as these trolls are the prime reason why LSA has gone down.

"Andrew Robel"/Eric Stevens!? You're all over talking to yourself under the profiles Matthew Berry/Pete/Anna etc. to write negative reviews & comments about Nigerian people/the country. People don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to realize that Matthew Berry(you) are Somali stalker "Andrew Robel"/Eric Stevens/Matthew Berry/Pete/Anna etc. You're fooling no one with your elementary school attempts at disguise and deceit. Intellectually famished you are for sure. Those profiles all joined within the same timeframe & talk about the same things as persistently obsessed Somali stalker "Andrew Robel" does. Your low I.Q. self continues to spell "fonts" as "fronts", lol. Another clue that it's you. I'm starting to wonder if the average Somali has some kind of learning disability or just a general lack of understanding of basic concepts such as not understanding that stalking someone/entire ethnic groups will get them dragged and checked. You deleted your 22 March 2022 original under the name "Eric Stevens" where you where spouting the same nonsense you're saying here and on your aliases. You are the obsessed one, and I have lots of proof of you stalking & trying to doxx me and "Judging you" from as far back as June and proof of your obsession with Nigerian people from 22 March. People can describe my satire as trolling if they like it doesn't make factual statements supported by evidence untrue. THE FACTS ARE YOU ARE A LITERALLY OBSESSED & DERANGED SOMALI STALKER AND FAILED DOXXER. Internet stalking/harassment/doxxing does nothing for your emaciated and failed RL self. Yet you and other Somalis like you continue to make fools of yourselves, your family, nation and lineage by stalking people on the internet. You are a dedicated internet stalker online and socially rejected deviant offline, "Andrew Robel"/Matthew Berry. Sidenote- I'm of mixed ethnicity from two fully Black ethnic groups and I've never been British a day in my life. Like I said this deranged stalker has no intel on me. I literally wouldn't spit on one of your people if they were on fire. I'm literally not donating anything to your hungry people that are dropping like flies from famine in 21st century. It's literally your homeland that is in "torment" and "poverty". If you consider that your karma, I believe it, "Matthew Berry." This is the last time that I will ever respond to an obsessed Somali stalker on internet.

user5524 on ReadSomeReviews
user5524 2 years ago

I agree you Matthew your comments about Nigerians overpopulating the website is true. I had a number of run ins with them in other sub forums. Very hateful people.

user5524 on ReadSomeReviews
user5524 2 years ago

Matthew thank you for the additional information about those users, I did not know they are from the Yoruba tribe. They have the nerve to talk down to us black Americans when they are the ones fleeing their homeland and dying in the Mediterranean sea and on the Mexican border. Her allegations about the so called Somali user Andrew Robel does not make sense. But her and “Judging you” are to be expected as Nigerians and judging by their posts on LSA, this is true. Damn low lives the lot of them.