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Matthew Berry's reviews
Matthew Berry
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30 Oct 2022
Lipstick Alley
Vile Racist and black power foolishness. (A black American male's perspective)
The fronts on there are like children who need attention and feel any attention is better than none, so they seek negative attention. The place is full of emotionally immature people with deep family problems that only a licensed therapist can deal with. The website is a wired narcissistic place full of people with untreated mental disorders, so be warned.
I lost count of the number of times Nigerians would fight other Nigerians and engage in tribal fights in the African section; no wonder their homeland is a sh!thole. I don't think I have meet a Nigerian who was a nice person in real life so I am inclined to believe the hate, racism and xenophobia they spew at each other and other Africans is real and not a result of as many of them claim "digital blackface". Therefore there are a number of users that have turned the African section into a Nigerian forum. The hate for black men is universally accepted by both African/ Caribbean and black American women. There is no decorum given to black men at all. From this I have concluded there is a lot of prejudice and discrimination on this website against other ethnic groups.
I advise anyone who is a decent human being with good values to stay away from this vile website. The black/African women have no self-awareness and are deeply unconscious of their own behavior. If you want a window into the minds of these maladjusted people take a peek. But I would advise you stay away from this evil place.
Matthew Berry
31 Oct 2022
Updated on 11 Nov 2022
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