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The Truth about the hate on LSA and why it has gone down hill
Most of the reviews here are covering the realities of what LSA has become but the site was not always filled with hateful people. I am a born and bread black American woman and I have used LSA since 2009. It was a website were black people could come and speak about celeb scandal and spoke fun at them. It was all light hearted and fun with very little hate speech or ethnicities being bullied. Then around the time of 2016 the site was flooded with very xenophobic Africans namely Nigerians who have turned the site into constant diaspora wars. I don't understand the hate they have for mixed race women. As an American we tolerate all people from various backgrounds but it seems LSA has users that hate diversity.

There are a few user with names like "Bestfwends" and "Judging you" who are both Yoruba Nigerian trolls who get a kick out of hurting other users with name calling and juvenile delinquency behavior. Both those Nigerians have multiple accounts on LSA and use them to stalk other users and try to dox them. LaMochaCoca is another Nigerian who has multiple user accounts and uses them to defend her worthless homeland. Pathetic. LSA is a heavy doxing website so be careful before you decide to sign up. I would not recommend it. I am happy that many users are waking up to the force of evil on that website. I do believe in Karma and I hope those Nigerians receive it and experience anguish for their evil deeds.

LSA use to be a fun website were people could enjoy themselves but not anymore. As a black American woman I have been shocked at the level of hate directed towards me and other ethnicities. America is a multi-ethnic country with laws that protect its citizens from abuse. So it's a shame that LSA does not do the same for its users.
Penelope on ReadSomeReviews
20 Nov 2022
Vile Racist and black power foolishness. (A black American male's perspective)
Matthew Berry on ReadSomeReviews
Matthew Berry
31 Oct 2022 Updated on 11 Nov 2022
An amusing site- The Black version of the Onion!
I left LSA months ago due to encountering obsessed Somali stalker and failed doxxer "AndrewRobel"/Eric Stevens. I was aware of him stalking me for a while and decided to sit on it. It gave me great satisfaction to know that I was "living rent free" as they say in his mind. I'm always ambiguous on the internet, I do not say more than what's necessary and like to be Mystique-ish. I would never give anyone online or offline the opportunity to victimize me.

He really thought that internet strangers would have intel on me. I realized that a LOT of people (triggered and upset LSA fonts) were tracking and stalking me. Thus I decided that LSA despite its hilariousness was not worth another second of my time. I'm not a sensitive person and have a good sense of humor, so I'm not writing this review from a place of being traumatized and upset like most of these reviewers.

The groupthink and echo chamberness of LSA is annoying, probably my main and only grievance. I think the main reason my font was SO triggering to some people was because I often went against common LSA groupthink, echo chamberness, ignorance and blatant stupidity. I'm a strong debater and highly resistant to peer pressure and groupthink. There are some people whose lives revolve around that site and it's beyond pitiful.

I have a new stalker/tracker: a Black male on Twitter "Lontelldtx" who wishes that he had intel on me. He wishes that I would come back to that cesspool of site, it's his lifeforce not mine. For all the people stalking and scanning through that "Taylor Swift" fan Twitter account, it's obviously not one of my "real" and personal social media accounts. I just like to log in, from time to time, to see the analytics showcasing all of the pressed and obsessed people visiting my profile. It's really amusing to me.
Image in Lipstick Alley review
Image in Lipstick Alley review
Image in Lipstick Alley review
Image in Lipstick Alley review
Image in Lipstick Alley review
Iconic font-Bestfwends-She who vanquishes! on ReadSomeReviews
Iconic font-Bestfwends-She who vanquishes!
29 Oct 2022 Updated on 29 Oct 2022
LSA was very entertaining and funny at one point. I use to love going there and communicating with others. Some time in the last 3 or so years this site has become awful. The influx of unbelievably insecure, bitter, jealous, hateful, and racist African and Black women has completely changed that. It is no longer a place for AA gossip and view points, but a place where black women get together and be as delusional and nasty as they want to be because they know it'll go unchecked and most users won't be honest about them.

Every single thread is turned into a "colorism" debate, "protect BW", why black men are worthless, obsession over white people etc. It's ridiculous ! If you even dare to have a differing opinion, you'll be accused of being white (lol). The vast majority of users on LSA lack awareness and accountability, I guess it's why they sit around crying about why black people are the most hated on earth while not looking at the losers in the mirror and understanding that THEY'RE the reason. It doesn't matter how many forums you put on ignore, they'll still manage to spread their miserable BS in the most unlikely parts of the website. These women are so desperate for attention that they make every single thing about them when most people wish they'd cease to exist. An empty building in Iraq could collapse and they'll make it about BW smh. There's also an obsession with women who are considered more attractive (white, biracial, Hispanic etc) lol and a lot of them are in one sided competition where they cannot compare. They'll go out of their way to call them ugly or post pictures of BW who so called did it better. The threads that constantly trend are usually things they claim not to care about. Black men dating out is one of the most popular topics.

They're very hive minded and follow one another just because they're that desperate to remain in the good graces of total, anonymous strangers. All I have to say is that I see exactly why most people can't stand this group and why worthy BM date outside of their race. Who in their right mind would want to deal with petty, miserable behavior displayed on LSA and in real life, let alone the violence ? The same could be said about those of us who want nothing to do with the "community", people are sick of these cancers to society and their never ending drama.

There are a handful of good people here, otherwise most are the lowest of the low of society and disguise their desperation to be accepted by whites with "pro-blackness". If anyone is silly enough to believe this group is disliked based on race alone just visit Lipstick Alley (or their neighborhoods).

Do not sign up for this place if you aren't miserable and can think for yourself. It's not worth it lol and accounts can't be deleted which makes it worse. I should've been done with this cesspool long ago, but I am definitely done. I question my own sanity visiting a site mostly made up of people who are beneath me and everyone else in the world.
Ashley on ReadSomeReviews
02 Jun 2022